This world is so beautiful, how
can you not write poetry!
Every morning and evening the fields, pastures and skies have gifts to offer--beautiful messages
written in the language of love! Living on the Great Plains is marvelous!
Love for the Great Plains filled my heart as a child in Nebraska, and those years translated into writing about the joys and sorrows of life in the seasons' language. Nowadays, I find myself seeing everything as a poem.

The Writing Place
This dazzling orange December sky,
blazes beauty brilliantly across the morning,
spreading wider and wider,
glowing orange on the cats, trees, fields, and me—
reminding me of that day, a few Octobers ago
when the monarchs came through Central City
on their way to Mexico,
landing on every milkweed, bush, and flower,
thousands of orange and black wings everywhere—
or the day you took me
to Warm Slough on Nelson’s place
to see hundreds of orange tiger lilies
lining the creek bed
that sprang up out of nowhere,
all those summers ago
when August threw a celebration
because September was coming quickly
with exuberant yellow sunflowers
for everyone.